Nosratollah Moslemian


Nosratollah Moslemian is a prominent Iranian contemporary painter. He was born in 1951 in Salmas, Iran and graduated from the University of Tehran, Faculty of Fine Arts, in painting. Through his long and prolific painting career, he has always been deeply engaged with the issues of identity and cultural activism.
Moslemian’s arrangement of the visual field involves the simultaneous existence of several visual languages in a single image. Thus his paintings comprise many fragments juxtaposed in a collage-like organization.
Nosratollah Moslemian has been awarded first prize in the First Biennial of The Islamic World (Tehran, 2000) and the first prize in the First Beijing painting Biennial (2003).
His paintings have been exhibited worldwide in London, Geneva, New York, Uzbekistan, the Netherlands, etc.

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Contemporary Istanbul 2022
8 September 2022


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